Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The kids have had so much fun this month!! They put a lot of work into preparing for their "Christmas" presents for their moms and dads. "B" had a birthday this month!! The kids are doing so good at learning to read, memorizing, and they are great friends. I will let the pictures tell the story:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We have been focusing on letter sounds so we can read!! The words we are learning this week are: The, Dad, See, and Sat. Here are some videos that have the songs we are learning in order to do this. The kids love counting to 100 and we have also been doing that as well. We have been making projects but I will post those after Christmas because we don't want to spoil the surprise!

We also are learning "Little boy blue" this week! Can't wait to see you all for our Christmas Pajama party on Tuesday!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Ideas

Here are some cute ideas you can do with your children during the holidays! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dec 2- We had so much fun making Christmas decorations for our classroom! We learned about the color Green and made some Christmas Trees. The word of the week is " Mom" Remember to bring back your "THL" (Take Home Library) books to be exchanged for new ones every Tuesday!

Dec 4- We celebrated another Birthday!! Happy Birthday B!! Today we learned about the sense of smell! We had some candles that each kid had to explain how it smelt. We also talked about the smells of Christmas (Pine, mint, Cinnamon) We did a review of our sign language and each student has a review sheet to work with their parents (mom, shoes, dad, why, thank you, bathroom, school, water are the ASL Signs of the month) We also enjoyed Show N Tell!

Nov 11- Everything "G" Week- We made big glitter green "G, g" pages!
Nov 13- We learned about the wonderful weather! We learned about the four seasons and what we can find outside to determine the weather (Rain, leaves falling, snow, flowers blooming)
Nov 18- We learned about the color brown. We also learned about the number three this week, so we did the "Three little Bears" puppets
Nov 20th- Number 3. We made Little pig talking puppets for the three little pigs (Also learned the story
Nov 25- We celebrated "E" Birthday!! Happy Birthday! We had a tasting table of Thanksgiving food and learned about the first Thanksgiving! We also made Turkeys! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This week in preschool we have been learning about the letter "F". We have also been learning about the color yellow with Wibbly Wobbly Duck. We are learning "Jack and Jill" and the number "2".

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cookies, pumpkins, & games Oh My!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Letter "F"- Frightful! Color White!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today we learned about the color orange, and pumpkins! We watched " The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" Here are the books the kids each made~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a reminder - There will be no school this Thursday, October 16th due to UEA! Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Letter C

We learned about caterpillars today! Each child glued on "Cheerios" on their caterpillar. We learned the ASL sign for "C". Happy Birthday to "G"! Last week when we had "Everything B" Week we learned about the color blue. Each child made a "blue bird" and we hung them around the classroom!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We are going to be doing a "Take Home Library" Each Tuesday. Your child will recieve a new book after they return the old one. Please read to your children~

Today we learned about the letter "B"

"Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere, Gently flowing through the air. Bouncing around without a care, bubbles, bubbles everywhere!" We blew bubbles as well.

We read the story about BB Bunny (I will post that as well at the end of the year.)

Here are our "B" worksheets. We learned ASL sign for the letter "B"

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Color Red/ Johnny Appleseed

Sept 26th is Johnny Appleseed's 234th birthday! What a great time to introduce the color red and learn about Johnny. As you can see in the picture above we did some creative art with an apple, we ate apples, and we read a book on Johnny. Last year I went to my library and checked out a movie about Johnny Appleseed. We made "Little Red Riding Hood" puppets for the kids so they can do a puppet show for their family. We read the story with the puppets of "Little Red". Last year I read "The Little Red Hen" and gave out small loafs of bread. There is also a cute invitation I handed out with the wolf as you can see above as well. This is a very fun unit! We then handed out apple stickers at the end of the day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept 23- Sept 25

(We made "emotions" with stickers onto faces. This was for manner day, so we would treat others the way we wanted to be treated)

Everything "A" week:

I have laminated stories to hand out to each child. The story is called "Aunt Auntie" It teaches the kids what the letter says. Maybe at the end of the year or if enough people want me to post it I will. This is what we did for circle time. We then traced the letter A, and glued "ants" on our Aa sheets. We also sang the "A" song ( I have a song for each letter)

"Apple Up High" (twinkle, twinkle melody)
Apple, apple, way up high,
I can reach you if I try:
Climb a ladder, hold on tight
Pick you quickly, take a bite.


I have made binders for them to put all their school work in so by the end of the year they will have a scrapbook.

Sept 16th- Sept 18th

this week is: Welcome Back Week! We learned about Tiny Hands rules & manners. We had a "get to know you" day. Each day we have a set schedule. Here is what we do:
9:40- give out books to read
9:50- collect books, P (pledge) C (calendar) and W (weather) I always say the day of the week, the day itself and the month. We then sing a days of the week song with the months song. Each day someone different gets to hold the flag, depending on who is the "leader" for the day.
10:00- we go and sit in a circle on top of smiley faces. (cut felt into big circles with faces on it, the kids love it and will sit still)
10:15- songs/rhymes
10:30 Paper work
11:10 cleanup
11:20- snack
11:30- A(alphabets) S(sign language) C&S (colors & Shapes) all over the preschool I have these things hung up so we can go over them everyday.
11:40 Bye

For the first day of school we read "If you give a mouse a cookie"
Rhyme for the week- Humpty Dumpty
We made "All About me books" The first page is their "Self Portrait" with googly eyes. Page 2 is a collage of pictures of things they like. Page 3 is their fingerprints in the shape of the earth ( My fingerprints are different from everyone in the whole wide world" Page 4. a picture of their family

Handed out a manner poem:

"What are manners?"
Manners are "thank you." "Excuse me," and "Please."
Manners are covering your face when you sneeze.
Manners are "you first." "Play fair," and "yes, I am fine."
Manners are always being to places on time.
Manners are "Just one," "Please pass..." and returning.
Manners are "Quiet please. Others are learning"
Manners are "Hello," a friendly smile, and "let's share."
Manner are ways to show others you care!

Last year I taught 13 students, this year with just having a baby I teach 6.

First Step

find a place to create the preschool atmosphere. I have a small room that I converted to preschool. For bigger activities, we use the main room downstairs next to it. These pictures are horrible, but you get the idea.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome Tiny Hands

This blog is to be a journal for my preschool and to give other moms, or teachers ideas for their own teaching. I love getting ideas online and thought it would be fun to share my ideas. Some of these ideas are from my own creative thinking, other websites, and preschools. You may use anything you find on here. If you have any questions I will try to get back to you. Depending on my time and dedication I will try to post printables as well. Please feel free to share your ideas or ways to make it better. I have so many ideas that I won't be posting all of them, however you can get the feel of it and continue on your own.